2025 Whitley Lecture

Holistic Apologetics: Apologetics Re-Imagined for the 21st Century

The Revd Dr Seidel Abel Boanerges has been announced as the 2025 Whitley Lecturer by the Whitley Trust Committee.

The Whitley Lecture was first established in 1949 in honour of WT Whitley (1861–1947), the Baptist minister and historian. The establishment of the annual lecture in his name is designed as an encouragement to research and writing by Baptist scholars and to enable the results of this work to be published. Seidel will be on a national and international tour in 2025. Watch this space for a full itinerary.

Lecture Abstract
In my last decade of Christian ministry and teaching apologetics, one of the most common arguments I have heard against the practice of apologetics is that it is only for intellectual or smart people. I have encountered several church members and even theological students who do not want to do apologetics as they consider themselves philosophically incompetent or intellectually weak to pursue it. I have heard several responses such as ‘I like apologetics, but I can’t argue logically like you, Seidel’, ‘I am not that intelligent enough to give a defence of the Christian faith’, or ‘I don’t get all this philosophy, logic and reasoning stuff, I rather stay quiet than confuse myself and the others!’. I believe these people are making a very valid point that must concern Christian apologists today. Although a few recent voices have called for a change in the practice of apologetics to include creativity and imagination to develop some action-oriented forms of apologetics, the rational, intellectual and verbal forms still dominate today and have become a barrier for some contemporary believers in local churches to practice apologetics.

I argue that a Kingdom-focused approach to Christian apologetics offers important insights into how contemporary apologetics could be steered to a new and creative path in the 21st century. Contemporary apologetics must move beyond the intellectual side of apologetics to include and actively encourage to demonstrate the apologetic value of spiritual apologetics (healing, miracles and prophecy) alongside artistic apologetics (literature, painting, drama and film) and action-oriented apologetics (fighting injustice, solidarity, compassion) in our contemporary practice of apologetics. Holistic apologetics does not dismiss traditional intellectual apologetics (moral arguments, proofs, contradictions), but argues that it is only one of the ways to practice apologetics today. If contemporary apologetics is to be effective, I argue that it must include and actively encourage the demonstration of spiritual, artistic, and action-oriented apologetics alongside traditional intellectual apologetics.

Romilly Mark Janes, Whitley Secretary says ‘His lecture invites us to revisit the neglected theme of apologetics, focusing on the Kingdom of God, he offers a model that moves beyond a traditional intellectual approach to a more holistic and culturally engaged model that continues to affirm rational argument as part of a greater whole. It seems a timely and helpful focus in an increasingly post Christian environment where spiritual, artistic and action approaches can offer a more effective approach’.

2025 Itinerary

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