
A Selection of Seidel's Published Work


2024: Forthcoming Book – Seidel Abel Boanerges, Holistic Apologetic Preaching: An Innovative Approach to Apologetic Preaching for the 21st Century (Leiden: Brill, 2024)


2024: Forthcoming Book – Seidel Abel Boanerges, Holistic Apologetics: Apologetics Re-Imagined for the 21st Century (Oxford: Whitley Publications, 2024)


2024: Book Co-Editor – Seidel Abel Boanerges and John Woods (eds.), Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant – Reflections on Effective Christian Ministry: Essays in Honour of Stephen I. Wright (London: Spurgeon’s College, 2024)


2021: Book Co-Editor – Anthony Reddie and Seidel Abel Boanerges (with Pamela Searle) (eds.), Intercultural Preaching (Oxford: Regent’s Park College, 2021)


2024: Book Chapter – Seidel Abel Boanerges, ‘The Importance of Character Formation in Christian Ministry’, in Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant – Reflections on Effective Christian Ministry: Essays in Honour of Stephen I. Wright, ed. by Seidel Abel Boanerges and John Woods (London: Spurgeon’s College, 2024), 293-322


2023: Book Chapter – Seidel Abel Boanerges, ‘Kingdom Shaped Apologetics – Making Apologetics Accessible to All’, in Baptists and the Kingdom of God, ed. by T. Laine Scales and João Chaves (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2023), pp.249-270


2021: Book Chapter – Seidel Abel Boanerges, ‘Theological and Contextual Foundations of Preaching’, in Intercultural Preaching, ed. by Anthony Reddie and Seidel Abel Boanerges (with Pamela Searle) (Oxford: Regent’s Park College, 2021), pp. 28-49


2021: Book Sermon – Seidel Abel Boanerges, ‘What is the Meaning of Christmas’, in Intercultural Preaching, ed. by Anthony Reddie and Seidel Abel Boanerges (with Pamela Searle) (Oxford: Regent’s Park College, 2021), pp. 237-240

Journal Articles

2024: Forthcoming Journal Article – Seidel Abel Boanerges, ‘A Homiletical Framework for Holistic Apologetic Preaching’, in Sermon Studies Journal (2024)

2024: Forthcoming Journal Article – Seidel Abel Boanerges, ‘Parenting Apologetics: Teaching Children (5-12 yrs) to Appreciate Faith in Secular Society’, in Sacrum Testamentum Journal Vol. 4 A Theology of the Child (2024).



2024: Forthcoming Bible Reflections – Seidel Abel Boanerges, ‘The Book of Isaiah’, Everyday Faith Bible (London: Bible Society UK, 2024)


Forewords and Commendations 

2024: Commendation of Paul Beasley-Murray, Here is Love! Preaching at Weddings (Colchester: College of Baptist Ministers, 2024)

2022: Commendation of John Woods, God Is in the House: A Fresh Model for Shaping a Sermon (Cumbria: Langham Preaching Resources, 2022)

2020: Foreword to Brian Harris, Why Christianity is Probably True: Building the Case for a Reasoned, Moral and Relevant Faith (Milton Keynes: Authentic, 2020), pp. xi-xvi.


Christian Magazines, Websites and Interviews

2021                    Magazine Article – Lynn Green and Seidel Abel Boanerges, Baptists During the Pandemic: What is God saying to us?’, in Baptists Together Magazine, Spring 2022

2021                    Interview with Premier Christian RadioSeidel Abel Boanerges, ‘Are You Resisting God’s Call?’, Weekly Show – Faith, Hope and Love with Maria Rodrigues, 12th October 2021.

2021                    News Article – Seidel Abel Boanerges, ‘Baptists Together During the Pandemic’, in Baptist Times, 28 September 2021, Baptist Union of Great Britain <>

2021                    Magazine Article – Seidel Abel Boanerges, ‘A Unique Hope in the midst of Chaos and Uncertainty’, in Baptists Together Magazine, Autumn 2021

2021                    Magazine Article – Seidel Abel Boanerges, ‘A Glorious Hope in Jesus Christ’, Kapari (‘The Shepherd’, An Indian Christian Leadership Magazine), March 2021, Hyderabad, India

2015 – 2021        Regular Contributor to Capernwray Magazine (yearly) and Capernwray Newsletter (weekly), Capernwray Hall and Bible School, Carnforth. I have written on several theological and current topics.

2015 – 2020        Regular Contributor to The Christian Hope, an Indian Christian magazine, Hyderabad, India. I have written a series on the 12 Apostles, 12 Women of the Bible and several theological and current topics.

2018                    Interview with Rev Prof Philip McCormack and Rev Seidel Abel Boanerges, ‘Spurgeon’s: A Multicultural College’, in Baptists Together Magazine, Spring 2018, p.27.

2010 – 2018        Regular Contributor to The Goodnews Magazine, Rosebery Park Baptist Church, Bournemouth, UK. I have written on several theological and current topics.