When we read the story of the wise men in the Bible, it is only the Gospel of Matthew (2:1-12) that records this narrative. What struck me when I read this passage is that when these wise men came to the place where Jesus was, the Bible tells us that they were overjoyed (Matt 2:10). Please note, it was not just joy, it was exceedingly great joy.

The reason for their overjoy was that from the time the Medo-Persian Empire was overthrown by Alexander, people were looking for a King who would come and overthrow the Roman Empire. To their overjoy, a star rose and announced that their awaited next King, the messiah was born.

Please note that their overjoy was not because they saw the star, but because of Jesus. They were thrilled and excited because of Jesus. Now, honestly, ask yourselves a question, what excites you this Christmas? Is it the decoration? Carols? Meeting your family or relatives? Christmas gifts? Roast Turkey?

My dear friends, if the answer to that question is not Jesus, you really need to rethink how you celebrate Christmas. Jesus should be the reason for excitement on every Christmas. Now please don’t mishear me. I am not saying that all of the above are wrong. Do decorate your houses, do sing carols and meet your family and friends. However, they should not replace Jesus. He should be the main focus and attention of every Christmas. When Christ is the main focus of Christmas, then that is indeed a true Christmas.